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To find out if you will need to obtain a building permit prior to the fence installation, ask your town’s building inspector or inquire at your local city hall. A fee may be required at the time that you submit your application.

Once you’ve selected the type of fence you want, it’s very important to know where the fence is going to go. The most important thing you need to do is have your property surveyed. You should have a property survey within three to five years; it should show the property lines so when the fence is installed, you are installing in the proper location.

It’s important to realize that the nice side of the fence needs to face the neighbors, and the integrity side, with the wood rails and everything else, is going to face the inside. If the nice side faces your house, there could be hard feelings.

Many people (and even some installers) believe that using half the recommended concrete when installing fence or gates posts is adequate if they fill the rest of the hole with dirt. Overtime however, this can lead to a sagging fence line. Never skimp on the recommended amount of concrete. It may cost you in the end.

Depending on the type of fence you’re installing, once the posts have been set,  you’re going to attach the fence panels between the posts. Since the sections usually come in 6- to 8-foot lengths, you don’t want to set the posts any more than 8 feet apart. If you set them too far apart, the section won’t have any support, so there’s a good chance it will be susceptible to high wind damage and sag.

Building gates themselves, people inevitably tend to undersize the hinges, resulting in the gates weighing too heavily on them. Ensure before you install that the hinges and the posts are going to hold the gate. If you have a pressure-treated gate, which can be very heavy and even heavier when it rains as the wood absorbs water, you must set the posts much deeper and with more cement around them. Make certain that the hinges are properly sized to hold enough weight.

Living in Southwest Florida means building to hurricane standards. A fence should be built correctly with the right materials in order to withstand high winds.

Started a project you wish you hadn’t? Call us today and we can help you finish it and tailor the estimate to fit the project.

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